However,away back in the mists of time he did big events and media catering.
Asked him what celebrities he has met.Who was the nicest and who was the biggest pain in the arse..
Nicest Celebrity
Mick Jagger.Or rather Sir Mick as he is these days.Apparently former Wild Man of rock is a total gent.Well-mannered and completely charming
Worst Celebrity
Jimmy Nail.
Guy and his gang had been hired to do the catering on Spender (Jimmy Nail's cop show in the 1990's when he was at his peak)They though it was gonna be a great job and thought Jimmy would be 'one of the lads', much like his TV-persona.
Not a chance !
The first day,Jimmy came to the catering van and asked for a bottle of mineral water.Guy handed-him a bottle of Highland Spring only for Jimmy to give him a mouthful of expletives and how he wasn't going to be drinking "no Jock Piss-water" on his set.It was downhill from there and Guy and Co. left after 3 days ,chucked the job because of Jimmy The Nail's rudeness.
You never hear much of Jimmy Nail these days.